New Adventure

It’s been awhile  … So many things happening.

As most of my followers know, I have been living and working in Kyiv, Ukraine for the past 4 years.. Well, this contract is up and I will be leaving Kyiv for another city and another country..  It’s the biggest reason I haven’t been posting for awhile. I know it is a lame excuse and really just a cover for letting the stress of packing and getting ready to start all over somewhere else kick in … Throw in a touch of laziness and there ya have it..

Visa is approved … travel is planned and, mostly, paid for.

My girlfriend and I will be leaving on June 19th for a two week train trip through a bunch of cities in Poland… Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Lodz, Torun and, finally, Gdansk.. That’s the fun part. We will end this journey with a few nights in Berlin before flying to …..


It is an exciting new adventure and I am really looking forward to it. Another 2 year contract with the possibility of 2 years worth of extensions, so I should be able to document and photograph this amazing city thoroughly..

It is also easy enough to continue my exploration of the beautiful cities in Europe…not to mention all the “ring cities” in and around Moscow and St. Petersburg (which I hear is absolutely gorgeous)..

Another month, more or less, and I will be back to my weekly posts and daily photo posts..

Stick with me and hopefully you won’t be disappointed..

Now the apartment inspections and actual “pack out” begin… ugh

Have a great day and HAPPY TRAVELS!!

Photography as Art


2 thoughts on “New Adventure

    • Thanks….a little stressful but I think it’s gonna be great..4 years in Moscow…then, hopefully, off to China to start exploring Asia..:)

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